KIPP Austin Public Schools

Redesigned Workflows and Tools

Project Overview

My Role: UX Researcher
Methods Used: Stakeholder and User Interviews
Project Duration: Aug. 2017 - Present (In Progress)

The Problem

The finance department at KIPP Austin Public Schools ("KAPS") works with budget managers of over 20 schools and departments to help them create and manage their departments' budgets. It is difficult for the budget managers, most of whom don't have a finance background, to understand and correctly use the templates and reports created by the finance team. This can lead to mistakes, inefficiencies, and departments going over budget.

My Task

As part of my current internship with KAPS, I initiated a research project to determine how we could improve our processes and templates to better align with the processes of budget managers. My goal is to understand how the budget managers use the tools provided to them by the finance team so the tools can be better designed to meet their needs.

My Process

Currently in progress.