
Augmented Reality App

Project Overview

My Role: UX Researcher
Group Members: Bria Fowler, Eric Graham, Serena Mistry
Methods Used: Questionnaires, Literature Review, Usability Testing
Tools Used: Sketch, Qualtrics
Platform: Smartphone Application
Project Duration: Oct. 2017 - Present (In Progress)

Our Task

For our Interaction Design class at the School of Information, we were tasked with identifying an interaction design-focused project to prototype. Because we are interested in submitting a project for the next CHI conference, we chose to focus on a project that would fit within the CHI Student Design Competition guidelines of "engaging communities".

Our Solution

We are designing an augmented reality smartphone app to bring people together in public parks to collaborate on interactive games and tasks. Through creativity and play, we hope to bring diverse groups together to give people a sense of community while reaping the benefits of outdoor activity.

Concept Video by Eric Graham

While our concept video was based on the classic Pacman game since it was quick to incorporate, we are designing a new game for our actual project.

Our Process


We started the ideation process with two rounds of "Crazy 8's" sketching based on the topic of "community". We placed the second round of sketches on the white board and voted on our favorite concepts. After voting, we had a consensus on creating an app for multi-player augmented reality games in public spaces. As a group, we sketched out the high-level game concept and user flow, then Serena Mistry created the wireframes. I combined the printed wireframes with transparency film to create a low-fidelity prototype of an augmented reality smartphone game.

Crazy 8's Ideation Exercise

Low-Fidelity Prototype

Low-Fidelity Prototype in Use

User Testing

Bria and I took the low-fidelity protoypes to a local park to do the first round of user testing. We were especially interested in testing the concept of interacting with strangers in a public park as part of the game. Testing the prototype with six people resulted in mixed feedback on the concept. One key finding was that the game needed a storyline that provides enough incentive for people to interact with one another.

Next Steps

We are currently working on a mid-fidelity prototype of the game, which will be tested in a secound round of intercepts at a local park. After incorporating feedback from the second round of user testing, we will create a high-fidelity prototype, which we also plan on testing, before creating a final video to demonstrate the completed prototype and concept.